The Busy Bi Pen Pal Programme
The Busy Bǐ Pen Pal Programme is a FREE service run by Yo-Yo School Exchange designed to connect students from the UK and China through the sending and receiving of regular letters.
This could one day lead to a pen pal meet-up event in one of our School Visit Days where we bring a group of Chinese students to your school.

Our Mission
We aim to help students establish bonds and friendships that will help them develop their letter writing skills.
All of our Chinese schools write their letters in English, so there's no pressure to write in Mandarin (unless you want to!)
We encourage our students to have their letters finished within a month of receiving them. This way, no one ends up having to wait too long to hear from their pen pal.

Our Work So Far...
Yo-Yo School Exchange has already built several close relationships with schools in the UK and in China meaning we've been able to give hundreds of students the chance to practise their foreign language skills with a native speaker of either English or Chinese.
Due to the fact that schools in China are so massive, there's never a shortage of potential pen pals so it's always a great time to get involved!

No Administrative Hurdles
Yo-Yo School Exchange is responsible for taking care of the sending and receiving of your letters and making sure that everyone in the class receives a letter on a regular basis.
We try to keep the process as simple as possible for teachers, meaning there's no hassle. We do most of the work for you. It's as easy as hitting the Send button on an email!

The Name
The name “Busy Bǐ” (pronounced “bee”) comes from the Chinese character 笔, meaning “pen”.
Yo-Yo School Exchange matches up students of similar ages from schools with shared interests for the Busy Bǐ Pen Pal Programme.